London’s specialist neonatal transfer service

Parents & Carers

Health Professionals

About NTS

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Parents and carers are at the heart of neonatal care, find out more about what happens on transport and how you can be supported.

In November NTS was referred 177 transfers, we completed 147 transfer in total.
learn about our services
Parents and Careers
Having a baby who is premature, or very sick, is a distressing and often life changing experience. As a transport team, our involvement is often only for a short time, but can be one of the most stressful parts of your baby’s care. We want to make the experience as smooth as possible for you and do our best to make sure you understand everything that is happening whilst giving your baby the very best care available.
Please go to the parents page to find out more about what we do, and what will happen if your baby needs transferring to another hospital. If there is anything more you would like to find out about, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
NTS London is part of the London Neonatal Operation Delivery Network. There is lots of useful information on the London ODN website.
Please note: we cannot give out any information about a specific baby, and all of the information on this website describes the process of neonatal (baby) transport in general terms. If you would like to discuss your baby’s care, please contact the hospital where you baby is or has been admitted.
Health Professionals
As a multidisciplinary team we aim to provide a safe, efficient and timely service that meets the needs of the neonatal patients and clinical teams across London. As well as providing a transport service we also provide education, clinical guidance and engage in audit and research. We welcome enquiries from interested professionals who would like to find out more about what we do, or are considering applying to join the team.
Please go to the professionals page to find out more.
Disclaimer: all of the clinical information given on this website is believed to be correct at the time of publication but is not guaranteed to be free of error or omission and is provided as a guide only. It is the responsibility of the attending clinician to satisfy themselves of diagnosis, treatment, drug doses and infusions, and to take full responsibility for the care of their patient. NTS will be happy to advise on the stabilisation and care of any neonate accepted for transfer.
About NTS
In 2023 NTS celebrates our 20th anniversary as a service. We consider it an honour to work as a multidisciplinary team serving the neonatal population of London. We are hosted by The Royal London Hospital in Whitechapel, East London.
Please go to the About NTS page to find out more about NTS, our history, mission and remit.
Support US
The babies and familes we care for benefit greatly from the support of our charity partners. Please go to the Support Us page to find out more.